MA in Spanish requires 42 credits

  • SPAN 6007 Narcotrafficking in Colombian Narrative 
  • SPAN 6039 From Autobiography to Testimonial: Narratives of the Authority, Self and Community 
  • SPAN 6299 Caribbean Baroque: Góngora in the New World
  • SPAN 6399 Revolution and Society in Spanish America 
  • SPAN 6499 The Spanish American Short Story 
  • SPAN 6599 Social & Political Thought in the Spanish American Essay 
  • SPAN 6799 20th Century Venezuelan Poetry 
  • SPAN 6899 Urbanisation, Ecology and Quality of Life in Spanish American Narrative 
  • SPAN 6999 African-Caribbean Literature in Spanish 


  1. a) One Reading Field (list provided to students at the beginning of programme of study. Seminar presentation made at the end of semester 4 of the course of study);
  2. b) One (1) research paper of 10,000 words for twelve (12) credits (submitted at the end of Year 2 by November).
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