MPhil/PhD Pyschology

MPhil Entry Requirements

Applicants, normally, should have at least an upper second class honours degree in Psychology. In addition, applicants are required to have broad training in research methods and statistics at the undergraduate or graduate level.

Applicants without a degree in Psychology may apply for entry and if accepted be required to do a qualifying year. Further, suitable applicants will be interviewed initially by members of the Psychology Unit before final selection is made.

In fulfilment of the MPhil degree candidates are required to:

(a)    Successfully complete the seminar in their area of specialisation and the Advanced Statistics and Research Methods course

(b)    Successfully defend their MPhil thesis

Psychology BSc Majors who are currently registered in the Sociology MPhil programme in the Department of Behavioural Sciences and are pursuing psychological thesis research may apply for transfer into the MPhil Psychology programme. However, these students may be required to undertake the two MPhil Psychology courses.


PhD Entry Requirements

Applicants must have an MPhil in Psychology or must have an MSc in Psychology (with at least a B+ average and a concentration in Social Psychology and/or Developmental Psychology) and have undertaken significant research work at the graduate level.  Suitable applicants will undergo an interview initially by the members of the Psychology Unit before final selection is made. Candidates who are registered in the MPhil Programme in Psychology may seek an upgrade to PhD registration.


Structure of Programmes

In both the MPhil and PhD programmes students will be required to undertake in-depth research and be required to write a thesis in-line with University regulations.

Students will be required to undertake graduate courses in Psychology. MPhil students will be required to undertake two (three-credit) courses – Advanced Statistics and Research Methods; and the seminar course related to their specialisation. PhD students will be required to undertake three (three-credit) courses.

Courses to be offered are:

Course Code           Course Title                                                                                             Credits 

PSYC 7001               Applied Social Psychology Seminars                                                              3

PSYC 7002               Applied Developmental Psychology Seminars                                               3

PSYC 7004               Contemporary Issues in Cognitive Psychology                                              3

PSYC 7013               Advanced Statistics and Research                                                                 3


In the area in which they wish to pursue. Candidates seeking entry into the PhD programmes should hold a Master’s degree from an approved University with a specialty in the area of study. Students may be required to attend an interview prior to being accepted. Students applying for MPhil or PhD degrees must prepare an appropriate research proposal for consideration.

Students may be required to pursue at least two taught graduate level courses, one of which must be SOCI 6003 – Advanced Research Design and Statistics in Sociology.



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