MSc, MPhil, PhD Criminology and Criminal Justice

Target Groups

This graduate programme is designed for persons currently in or desirous of pursuing a career in such professional areas as the protective services (e.g., police, prisons, defence force, fire services), social welfare, counselling, teaching, research, judicial administration, mediation and rehabilitation. The programme will also strengthen the executive decision-making skills of students such that they can also function as professional managers and policy makers.


Programme Description:

  • Master of Science (MSc) Degree is designed for students who seek a judicious mixture of theoretical and applied criminology. That is, they will undertake a set of core courses as well as other policy-oriented courses.The course requirements for the MSc are 36 credits: that is, ten semester courses and a research project. For award of the degree, students are expected to gain at least a “B” in each of these requirements (i.e., courses and project). The course sequence, contents and readings are listed below.
  • Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Degree is for those who seek substantial competence in conceptualising criminological problems and subjecting these to sound research design, data analysis and policy formulation. It is largely a research-oriented degree, possibly making the way towards the PhD degree. In addition to the thesis requirement, students are required to obtain six credits from prescribed departmental courses and as well to present two seminar papers during their period of study. The MPhil research thesis will be examined according to University regulations. The passing grade for coursework and final examinations respectively is at least a “B” (i.e., 50%).
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree is primarily a research degree and is examinable according to University regulations. In addition to the thesis which must reflect original work, students are required to successfully complete nine credits from prescribed departmental courses, and as well, present three seminar papers during their period of study. The passing grade for coursework and final examinations respectively is at least a “B” (i.e., 50%).