MPhil/ PhD in Social Work

MPhil Entry Requirements: 

Candidates seeking entry to the MPhil programme should hold a Bachelor’s degree (upper second class honours or above) in Social Work or its equivalent. Persons holding an upper second class honours degree in a related discipline will be required to successfully complete qualifying courses from the MSW Programme in order to be eligible for admission. Suitable applicants will be interviewed by members of the Social Work Unit before final selection is made.

PhD Entry Requirements:

 Candidates seeking entry into the PhD programme should hold a Master’s in Social Work degree or equivalent from an approved University. There will be two streams into the PhD Social Work programme:

•     Applicants holding a MSW degree will be eligible for registration for the PhD in Social Work provided that their Master’s degree programme included a research component of at least 25% of the total credit rating and the applicant received a B+ average or its equivalent.

•     Persons who have either been awarded the MPhil in Social Work or who initially registered as MPhil Social Work candidates and have successfully applied to upgrade their degree option to PhD

Programme of Study

In both the MPhil and PhD programmes candidates will be required to follow the prescribed course of study in accordance with the University’s regulations. Students will be required to undertake in-depth research and will be required to write a thesis in line with University regulations.

 MPhil students will be required to undertake two (three- credit) courses recommended by the Department.

 PhD students will be required to undertake three (three- credit) courses recommended by the Department.

In fulfilment of the MPhil and PhD degrees, candidates will:

(a)   Only be permitted to proceed to the thesis after successfully completing all courses.

(b)   Successfully defend their MPhil or PhD these. 

Qualifying and Departmental Courses

Qualifying courses are those that must be completed in order to qualify for registration. Departmental courses are those required by the Department as part of the MPhil or PhD programme and are not restricted to those offered by the Department.  Courses will be recommended from those being offered in the M.SW. programme. The list is not exhaustive and does not preclude other departmental, cross-departmental and cross-faculty courses being studied.Students are expected to obtain at least fifty (50) percent of both the coursework marks and the examination marks, and will only be allowed to repeat any course once.Students may be required to withdraw from the programme if their rate of progress is unsatisfactory.




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