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Dr. Henry Bailey
Senior Lecturer

Dr. Henry Bailey is a lecturer at the Department of Economics at The Univeristy of the West Indies, St Augustine. His primary research interests are in the area of health outcomes measuresment and methods of techonology assessment in healthcare for developing countries health systems.
- PhD from the UWI
Fellowships and Training
- Health Outcomes, technology assessment
Professional Experience
- Lecturer at The UWI
- Over 20 years in the Pharmaceutical and medical device businesses in the Caribbean and Central America.
- 10 years as a research associate at the HEU, Centre for health Economics
- Full time faculty at the Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business, UWI.
Featured Work
- Excellence in Academic and Applied Research, Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago 2013
- Most Outstanding Graduate Researcher, NGC/UWI 2014
Professional Memberships
- EurQol Research Group, Global Health Delivery Project at Havard University (Founding Member)
Courses Taught
- ECON 1002: Introduction to Economics
- ECON 1005: Introduction to Statistics
- ECON 2002: Intermediate Macroeconomics I
- ECON 2003: Intermediate Macroeconomics
- ECON 3057: Health Economics: Theory and Policy
- ECON 6030: Research Methods
Research Projects
- Principal Investigator: Development of a Prioritization Framwork for Health Programmes in Trinidad and Tobago. HEU, Centre for Health Economics, The UWI
- Co- Researcher: Quality- adjusted Life Years without Constant Proportionality. Funding: EuroQol Research Foundation
- Short Coures at HEU- Centre for Health Economics: 1- Costing and 2- Economic Evaluation in Healthcare.
- Principal Investigator: EQ-5D Vaulation Study for Trinidad and Tobago. Ministry of Health of Trinidad & Tobago
- Team Member: Consultancy Project Arthur Lok Jack GSB; Strategic review & Recommendations for Corporate clienct in Suriname
- Team Member: Costing Study (Study Economics Unit, The UWI): Port of Spain General Hospital, Trinidad & Tobago (Led the Main Operating Theatre Team
- Principal Investigator: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Trinidad and Tobago Study.
- Team Member: Implementation of National Health Insurance Project in Tortola, BVI
- National Institutes of Health, Department of Health & Human Services, through the National Cancer Institute (USA) 1R01CA160104
- EuroQol Grant #20170630