Level: III
No. of credits: 3
Anti-Requisite: BIOL 3767 Biology of Plant Pathogens 
Prerequisites: BIOL 2265


Course Description

This course introduces the learner to the field of plant pathology and provides basic information on the biology and epidemiology and disease cycle of important plant pathogens affecting plants of this region. This course provides comprehensive knowledge about plant pathogens and their interactions with the host. Topics include: Biology of plant pathogens; Classification of plant pathogens; their cellular organization, structure; Examples of pathogens; Pathogenlife cycles, disease cycle; Symptomology; epidemiology, spread, survival; Host-pathogen interactions, mechanism of infection, physiological and biochemical processes of infection; Host resistance and defense mechanisms; Principles of disease management; Molecular-based pathogen detection and disease diagnosis. This course will be taught through lectures/tutorials, lab sessions, field trips. Students are expected to complete a group project.



Coursework            50%
Final Examination  50%