The work of the Marketing & Communications team at UWI St. Augustine is on display daily in everything from the smallest tweet to the most detailed report, and we interact with every faculty and support department across the Campus, from Mt. Hope to Penal-Debe.

Even with our wealth of knowledge, skills and experience, we are always learning, always open to new ideas and always asking ourselves how can we do what we do, better, for the good of The UWI.

Find out more about our team below:

Mrs Wynell Gregorio
MA (Lond Met) DLCCI, BA Hons (UWI)
Marketing & Communications Director
Management Team
Interests & Experience: TBA

Ms Shanelle Glasgow
BA Hons (UWI), MSc (Heriott-Watt, Edinburgh Business School), Professional Cert Event Management (George Washington School of Business)
Projects & Events Manager
Management Team
Interests & Experience: Music, travel, baking, Black feminist literature

Mrs Nicole Huggins-Boucaud
MSc Marketing, PG Dip IR, Dip Mass Comm, BA Hons (UWI)
Publications Manager
Management Team
Interests & Experience: Multi-media storytelling - writing, art, music, photography, and videography. A documentary “junkie” with experience in TV journalism who loves creating clarity through content

Ms Denise Caesar
MSc (UWI), PG Dip Marketing
Communications and Media Management Manager
Management Team
Interests & Experience: Travelling, event hosting, training, and writing - particularly children’s books

Ms Nataki Kerr
MBA, BA (Hons) UWI
Brand and Student Recruitment Marketing Manager
Management Team
Interests & Experience: Fitness, travelling, movies, culture

Mr Joel Henry
Editor (Ag.), UWI Today
Interests & Experience: Writing, reading, movies, television, fitness, martial arts, politics, ideas, gaming and music

Mr Nigel D. A. Bradshaw
Master of Marketing (ALJGSB), BSc Agriculture (UWI)
Contract Officer - Undergraduate Students
Branding and Recruitment Specialists
Interests & Experience: Passionate about leadership-based strategies useful for engagement with prospective student groups interested in higher education.

Mrs Wendy Lisa Maynard
MSc Dist (UWI), Professional Cert Event Management (George Washington School of Business), BSc (UWI)
Projects & Events Officer
Marketing and Communications Specialists
Interests & Experience: Travelling, humanitarian causes, all fours, crafting beautiful things, designing memorable experiences

Ms Shania Robinson
BA Hons (UWI)
Branding & Recruitment Officer
Administrative, Creative & Technical Support Team
Interests & Experience: Reading, movies, documentaries, travelling

Ms Dara Jordan-Brown
BA Special Visual Arts with a minor in Theatre Arts, Certificate in Technical Theatre (UWI)
Graphic Artist 
Administrative, Creative & Technical Support Team
Interests & Experience: Painting, music, singing, troubleshooting, problem solving, set design, designing spaces and solutions, travelling. 12 years of design experience working on jobs from UN projects to start-ups. Not just designing the artwork but guiding on how to effectively use it

Mrs Anisa Persad-Bajnath
ACCA Affiliate
Accounting Assistant III
Administrative, Creative & Technical Support Team
Interests & Experience: Cooking and all things Carnival

Mrs Asha Moonsammy
Housekeeping Assistant
Office Support Team
Interests & Experience: TBA

Ms Shereen Ali
Internal Communications Officer
Marketing and Communications Specialists
Interests & Experience: Writing and photography. A creative with a "unique eye".

Mrs Vicky Khadoo-Ramsingh
MA International Public Relations (Cardiff), BA Broadcast Journalism (Leeds)
Media & Communications Officer
Marketing and Communications Specialists
Interests & Experience: Documentary film making, television and radio broadcasting, food and travel, and promoting local culture, especially from my hometown Mayaro

Mr David Riley
Professional Certificate in Online Facilitation (UWI), PG Dip (DMI), Professional Certified Marketer - Digital Marketing (AMA), MA (Leicester), BSc Hons (UWI)
New Media & e-Marketing Officer
Marketing and Communications Specialists
Interests & Experience: Human rights advocacy, training facilitation, sports fanatic

Mr Atiba Cudjoe
Graphic Artist/Photographer/Videographer
Administrative, Creative & Technical Support Team
Interests & Experience: Photography, videography, cooking, graphic design, animation

Ms Shaienne St Hilaire
BSc Hons (UWI)
Internal Communications Assistant
Administrative, Creative & Technical Support Team
Interests & Experience:

Ms Amanda Lee
MA (Sussex), BA Hons (UWI)
Publications Assistant
Administrative, Creative & Technical Support Team
Interests & Experience: Video games, eating, and making things make sense

Ms Afiya Francis
MA, PG Dip, BA Hons (UWI)
Recruitment Officer - Advertising
Administrative, Creative & Technical Support Team
Interests & Experience: Travel, food anthropology, content creation, storytelling 

Ms Zennille Swann
Administrative, Creative & Technical Support Team
Interests & Experience: Customer service

Mr Aneel Karim
Cert. in Photography (Open Campus)
Office Assistant/Photographer
Office Support Team
Interests & Experience: Fitness and exercise (especially running), photography, sports, and healthy eating