Content should be like drinking water. It should be clean and clear, and no matter what you pour it into, the only thing that should change is its shape.

Our goal is to help our Campus clients convey their messages and information clearly and efficiently, flowing from printed brochures to web pages, adjusting to the demands of different audiences and formats, but always remaining clean, clear, and refreshing.

We start by considering a few key questions:

  • What is the story you want to tell? 
  • Who needs to hear it?
  • What actions do you want your audience to take?
  • What is the best format?
  • What is the best platform?
  • How should you tell that story?
  • How can you make the most of your website?

Our team brings decades of cross-platform experience to every project, to help you decide on the right publication format to convey your message. Do you need a printed brochure? Should you expand the content on your website and just create a flyer instead? How do you make traditional publications work with your digital content? How can photos or infographics improve your communication?

We are here to assist with answering all these questions and to help you make the most of your budget.

Need to create a quick digital flyer or other promotional publication? Email us at to request a template.

The Publications Cycle

Most official Campus documents are either created by or through the Publications arm of M&C. Below are some of the major Campus publications and production periods: 

  • Annual & Faculty reports (September - March)
  • Regulation handbooks (Faculty Booklets) and Registration material (May - August)
  • Graduation collateral (September - October)
  • Recruitment collateral (September - June)

We are most proud of ….  

  • In 2012, we took the environmentally friendly step to start phasing out printed registration handbooks, focusing instead on creating digital registration booklets with content that was both easy to navigate and easier to update. Booklets can be downloaded from the Faculty Booklet Archive.
  • For the 2017/2018 Annual Report, we came up with a cost-effective solution that made report highlights accessible to a broader audience on social media. More than 1,000 persons engaged with the content on the highlights site over the course of two months.
  • In 2019, for the first time the cover of our Graduation booklet was graced by the work of one of our own talented students. Student art also inspired the cover of the 2018/2019 Annual and Faculty Reports.
  • We are always looking for new ways to make programme information more accessible to prospective students. In 2020, we created digital programme brochures that attracted over 2000 views within a month of being launched. Find them on the UWI St. Augustine Programmes page.
  • In 2021, in partnership with the Campus IT Services, we launched the BeUWI Undergraduate Search app, built by students from the Department of Computing and Information Technology. The app allows prospects to use their CSEC and CAPE subjects to see which programmes may be right for them. Find the BeUWI app on the Programmes page.

Whether you want help to create printed or digital publications, or assistance organising or updating the content on your website, we would be happy to help!

To request publications, content and editorial services, email us at