Dark Energy
Trini Physicist looks to the stars to find a theory of sound
They aren’t normally packaged quite as eclectically as Professor Stephon Alexander, an associate professor of physics at Haverford College. The man from Moruga has brought a distinctly Trini flamboyance to theoretical physics. Although he is a serious researcher, who has gained international recognition for his work—the young scientist has been named a National Geographic Emerging Explorer and has won the National Science Foundation CAREER award, and just days ago, was invited to deliver the annual John Wesley Powell Memorial Lecture Keynote address for the American Association for the Advancement of Science—Professor Alexander has applied a musical premise to sound out his theories on how galaxies were formed.
We feature him today as one of our outstanding Caribbean offspring, as we pay tribute to another who has departed this life: Professor Emeritus Rex Nettleford, whose achievements can scarcely be listed in one space, so vast, varied and monumental they are. Indeed, the region has heard many voices lifted in his praise, voices that have emanated from such disparate quarters, that that alone conveys the wide stretch that he covered in his extraordinary life. At a special sitting of the House of Representatives in Jamaica on Feb 16, when he was given a State funeral, Chancellor of The UWI, Sir George Alleyne, launched the Rex Nettleford Foundation.... read more>> |