We are pleased that you have chosen the Faculty of Humanities and Education for graduate study and research. This is the stage at which you begin to make your original contributions in your disciplines and hone your viewpoints and perspectives. Your scholarship is therefore now entering a more advanced phase and it is a very exciting period in your academic development. As Caribbean people it is very important that we develop our own perspectives. This native scholarship will be key to our understanding of ourselves and our region. It will also help us stamp our place in a world that is quickly becoming borderless.
We are painfully aware that the next few years will be critical for all the Departments in our Faculty. Many of our disciplines are literally under threat and we are increasingly forced to innovate in the midst of a changing global economy that has not left academia untouched. Ironically, these threatened human sciences are precisely the areas which will be critical to dealing with some of the problems in our society. Thus, research in these areas, as well as the critical area of dissemination of findings, must be central to our future development plans. This welcome is therefore heart felt. We embrace the next generation of Caribbean thinkers.
The FHE Postgraduate Faculty booklet is available for download for information on your area of interest.

PG Orientation Academic Advising - FHE Sem 1 22-23_August2022_M&C.abj_.pdf