The Impact of Government Expenditure on Economic Growth in Developing Countries. Journal of Public Sector Management. Vol. XI (1):55-72...see more.
The Role of Economic Evaluation in Changing Decision-Maker Behaviours: A Case Study from Trinidad and Tobago. Value in Health 11(3)...see more.

Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases and The Economy. West Indian Medical Journal. Vol. 60, n.4, pp. 392 -396. ISSN 0043-3144.
[ABSTRACT] There is no question that chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCDs) pose the single, greatest sustained threat to the stability of health systems worldwide. While undoubtedly the main dimension of the CNCDs challenge is in respect of the health and well-being of the population, it is becoming increasingly obvious that CNCDs are also posing a serious challenge to economies. Health system costs are increasing faster than national income in almost all nations and the main cause is the growing incidence of CNCDs and the diverse spill-over effects. The concern is that if this continues, there will come a time when the economic system will simply no longer be capable of coping with the burden of the CNCDs…see more.
The Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean. In, HIV/AIDS in Dental Practice: An Illustrated Handbook for Caribbean Dental Practitioners. 21 – 25. Ed. Soorebutt R. Prabhu.
The Economic Cost of Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence in Trinidad and Tobago. In, Revisiting Abuse: The Impact on the Individual Family and National Community. 58 – 79. Ed. Sheila Rampersad.
Social Insurance and HIV/AIDS Treatment and Care: Access Challenges in the Caribbean. In, Revista CIESS, 10: Diciembre, 179 -192.
Estimating the Cost of Hospital Services in a Small Island State: A Case Study of the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. West Indian Medical Journal (54) 2: 130 – 136
Cost estimates are derived for services provided at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (previously known as the Kingstown General Hospital) using the step-down accounting method Both total and average unit cost estimates are provided Among the findings of note is that the cost per patient per day spent on the Maternity Ward is 57.4% higher than for the Surgical Ward…see more.
The Cost of Secondary Health Care Services: A Case Study of Three Levels of Hospitals in Jamaica. In, The Socio-Economics of Health Care and Health Reform in Trinidad and Tobago. Vol. 1. Eds. Ronald Marshall and Dhanyshar Mahabir. School of Continuing Studies, St. Augustine, Trinidad.
HIV/AIDS and Security in the Caribbean. In, Caribbean Security in the Age of Terror – challenge and change. 219 - 251 Ian Randle Publishers. Kingston, Jamaica.
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