Criterion 1 Mission & Purpose: The institution’s mission and purpose are appropriate to tertiary education and consistent with the policies and practices that guide its operations.
Working Group Chair: Professor Jonas Addae
Working Group Members:
Mrs. Deborah Souza-Okpofabri
Ms. Allison Dolland
Ms. Charmain Subero
Ms. Jo-Ann Georges
Mr. Sharan Singh
Mrs. Wynell Gregorio
Mr. Stephen Sheppard
Representative of the Guild of Students
Criterion 2 Governance & Administration: The institution’s system of governance ensures ethical decision making and efficient provision of human, material and financial resources to effectively accomplish its educational and other purposes.
Working Group Chair: Mr. Richard Saunders
Working Group Members:
Professor Indar Ramnarine
Ms. Jessie-Ann George
Mr. Stephen Sheppard
Mrs. Simone Roberts
Mrs. Deborah Souza-Okpofabri
Mrs Chandra Katwaroo-Ali
Representative of the Guild of Students -Mr Darrion Narine
Criterion 3 Teaching & Learning: The institution provides evidence of student learning outcomes and faculty effectiveness in achieving its educational purpose and demonstrates the capability to continue to do so.
Working Group Chair: Dr. Margo Burns
Working Group Members:
Dr. Susan Herbert
Dr. Keisha Valdez (up to Dec, 31 2016)
Dr Bidyadhar Sa,
Dr Mary Alkins-Koo
Mrs. Ernesta Greenidge
Dr Deirdre Charles
Dr Gabrielle Hezekiah
Dr. Kim Mallalieu
Ms. Nardia Thomas-Allain
Dr. Michael Sutherland
Criterion 4 - Preparedness for Change: The institution’s human, material and financial resources are strategically allocated and employed to respond to the social and economic demands of a rapidly changing global society.
Working Group Chair: Mr. Sharan C. Singh
Working Group Members:
Professor Kit Fai Pun
Professor Paula Morgan
Mr. Stephen Sheppard
Mrs. Reanti Singh
Criterion 5 - Commitment to Continuous Improvement: The institution monitors, reviews and improves it Quality Management System through effective planning and evaluation, sustained effort and commitment to quality.
Working Group Chair: Dr. Sandra Gift
Working Group Members:
Dr Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw
Mrs. Reanti Singh
Dr. Dianne Thurab-Nkhosi
Mr. Kristen Cockburn
Dr. Brian Cockburn provided support
Ms. Stephanie Benjamin provided support
Criterion 6 - Graduate Studies, Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Working Group Chair: Professor Patricia Mohammed
Working Group Members:
Professor Stephan Gift
Professor Ann Marie Bissessar
Mrs. Angela Escalante
Professor Jayaraj Jayaraman
Professor Pathmanathan Umaharan
Professor Kit Fai Pun
Dr. Margaret Bernard
Mr. Seon Raymond
Ms. Tennille Fanovich
Chair: Dr. Sandra Gift
Mr Kristen Cockburn
Professor Jonas Addae
Mr Nazir Alladin
Professor John Agard
Dr Margo Burns
Professor Rose-Marie Belle Antoine
Dr Heather Cateau
Professor Ann Marie Bissessar
Mrs Debra Coryat-Patton
Ms. Jo-Ann Georges
Ms Simone Roberts
Mrs Reanti Singh
Professor Stephan Gift
Dr Wayne Ganpat
Mrs Ernesta Greenidge
Mrs Wynell Gregorio
Mr Suresh Maharaj
Ms Sonia Nurse
Dr Diane Thurab-Nkhosi
Professor Indar Ramnarine
Dr Bidyahar Sa
Mr Sharan Singh
Mr Frank Soodeen
Mrs Debra Souza-Okpofabri
Professor Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw
Dr. Reynold Stone
Dr Dylan Kerrigan
Mrs. Reanti Singh
Dr. Bidyahar Sa
Dr. Robin Antoine
Dr. Brian Cockburn
Professor Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw- Chair
Dr. Sandra Gift
Professor Jonas Addae
Professor Paula Morgan
Ms. Allison Dolland
Dr. Dianne Thurab-Nkhosi
Ms. Jo-Ann Georges