Explore the world around you and come to understand how both natural and man-made factors impact our very lives. The course of study in geography enriches your understanding of the physical processes as well as the human processes at work as societies engage the one world in which we live. Learn about remote sensing, GIS, meteorology, climate change and eco-tourism in this course of study and be prepared to make the world a better place for all of us; as a consultant on your own or employed by various organizations. Starting with CSEC to enter the Certificate in Environmental Geography is ideal.

Studies in Entrepreneurship can lead to these exciting Career Opportunities

● GIS Analyst and Technician
● Remote Sensing Technologist
● Environmental Scientist/Consultant
● Hydrology and Water Resource Specialist
● Coastal Geomorphologist
● Climatologist

● Disaster Management Specialist
● Urban and Regional Planner
● Social Justice Activist
● Market Researcher
● Policy consultant
● Demographer
● Geographer Teacher
● Forestry Manager
● Sustainability Consultant
● Natural Resource Valuation Specialist
● Policy Consultant
● Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
● Climate Change Policy Analyst
● Environmental Educator

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