Level: 2

Semester: 2

Prerequisite: None


Course Description:

The course introduces students to the concepts of heritage, heritage tourism, heritage management, and tourism. It examines some challenges and trends in the management of tangible and intangible heritage and highlights the role of international and regional agencies involved in tourism. Heritage preservation in the Caribbean and the UNESCO World Heritage sites in the Caribbean are also discussed.


Learning Outcomes:

At the successful end of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Assess the growth and significance of heritage tourism

2. Explain major heritage/cultural based agencies and legislation internationally and regionally

3. Explain heritage, cultural/national identities, tourism and heritage management

4. Describe the issues and challenges of heritage management and preservation, role of tourism in protection and interpretation of cultural heritage

5. Evaluate how public policy, international organisations, legal frameworks, colonialism, nationalism, and war have impacted heritage tourism

6. Explain the growth, significance, impact and structure of the Caribbean tourist industry

7. Assess the role of UNESCO World Heritage, its sites and heritage tourism

8. Demonstrate problem solving and teamwork skills

9. Demonstrate oral and written communication skill



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