Semester: 1

Prerequisites: None

Compulsory for History Majors


Course Description:

This course aims at introducing first year students to the major concepts of Caribbean History and will deal with the earliest inhabitants of the Caribbean and circum-Caribbean, conditions in Europe during the fifteenth century, the discovery of the New World, and the European presence. As envisaged, the course can be adequately covered during a single semester and although ten topics have been identified, it is understood that some of these will require longer treatment than others.


Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Explain the cultural and economic activities of the indigenous peoples
  2. Explain the agricultural and technological achievements of the indigenous groups
  3. Identify the Europeans contribution to the development of the Caribbean
  4. Critically assess the differences between the Old World and the New
  5. Identify the issues that influenced the interactions between the Old and the New World
  6. Readily explain the West African background to slavery in the New World
  7. Explain the impact African enslavement has had on the region
  8. Identify the reasoning for the genesis of large scale sugar production in the New World
  9. Define and explain the impact of the sugar revolution in the New World