Level: 1

Semester: 2

Prerequisite: None


Course Description:

This course involves a survey of the main themes and debates in the history and civilization of South Asia up to 1500.  Topics include: the ecological setting (climate, landscape and people in South Asia); the Indus culture, the Aryan Age and the spread of Brahmanical influence to South India; State and Empire in India; expansion overseas and contacts with the wider world; the development of Hinduism and heterodox systems (Buddhism and Jainism); change and development in the social system  (varna, caste and jati); the changing position of women; patterns of economic activity; the impact of the Classical Age and of Islam; change and continuity in South Asian History.


Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:

1. Identify the main themes and debates in the history of South Asia up to 1500.

2. Explore the social, political and cultural features of the Indus Valley civilization.

3. Examine the development of Hinduism and the heterodox systems of Buddhism and Jainism in ancient India.

4. Trace the change and development of the Indian social system.

5. Explore the Aryan age and the spread of Brahmanical influence to South India.

6. Analyze the impact of the advent of Islam on the Indian sub-continent.



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