Dr. Aakeil Murray

Assistant Lecturer

St. Augustine

Trinidad and Tobago

Telephone: 868-662-2002

Dr. Aakeil Murray completed his PhD in History at The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine in 2019. He has served in the Department of History over the last ten years as a Research and Teaching Assistant, Instructor and at present as an Assistant Lecturer. He currently teaches a multidisciplinary course in Caribbean Civilisation as part of a Regional Unit. His research interests include Caribbean History, Religious History, African and Indian Diaspora Studies and Gender Studies. 



Murray, Aakeil. “Solid Ground: PAOC’s early efforts to establish Pentecostalism in Trinidad 1926-1960” in In the Fires of Hope Volume 2: Essays on the Modern History of Trinidad and Tobago. ed. Debbie Mc Collin. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers, 2016.
Murray, Aakeil. “From PAOC to PAWI: The Transition to Regional Leadership, Global
Influences, Internal Forces and Pentecostal Expansion in Trinidad, 1964-2002” in Caribbean History and Society: Shaping the Caribbean. eds. Jerome Teelucksingh and Shane Pantin. New York: Peter Lang Publishers, 2019.


  • BA (UWI)
  • MPhil (upgraded) (UWI)
  • PhD (UWI)

Research Interests

  • Caribbean History
  • Religious History
  • African Diaspora Studies
  • Indian Diaspora Studies
  • Gender Studies