Dr. Danalee Jahgoo

Assistant Lecturer

St. Augustine

Trinidad and Tobago

Telephone: 868-662-2002

Email: danalee.jahgoo@sta.uwi.edu

Danalee Jahgoo obtained her Ph.D in History at The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus in 2019 with high commendation. She was the recipient of the Eric Williams Memorial Scholarship in 2011. Dr. Jahgoo specializes in examining historical perspectives on U.S./Caribbean relations. Her Ph.D dissertation focused on the impact of American national security on Trinidad and Tobago from 1941-1991. She has conducted tutorials in Caribbean Civilization and lectures in South Asian and European History. In addition to research projects Dr. Jahgoo has recorded the history of the UWI Credit Union in 2018.



  • BA (UWI)
  • MPhil (upgraded) (UWI)
  • PhD (UWI) (high commendation)

Research Interests

  • United States in The Caribbean
  • 20th Century History of Trinidad and Tobago
  • Imperialism in the 20th Century Caribbean

Featured Work

Honours and Awards

  • Eric Williams Memorial Scholarship 2011

Courses Taught

  • HIST 1406: The Rise of Atlantic Europe 1400-1800
  • HIST 2401: Continuity and Change in 19th Century Europe
  • HIST 2402 Conflict and Immigration in 20th Century Europe
  • HIST 2501 South Asian History 1500-1860
  • HIST 2502: South Asia 1860 to the Present
  • FOUN 1101: Caribbean Civilisation

Research Projects

  • History of the UWI Credit Union Documentary commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Faculty of Food and Agriculture (ongoing)