Aviation Management - M.Sc



Programme Overview

The Master of Science in Aviation Management has been developed in response to industry need and is designed to emphasise the application of modern management concepts, methods and tools to the challenges of the aviation industry and business in general. The curriculum is designed to provide graduates capable of discharging the senior management responsibilities of this dynamic and rapidly changing industry. The M.Sc. will normally be a 42-credit programme.

Target Groups and Admission Requirements

Admission to the programme will be open to persons who satisfy either of the following two sets of entry requirements.

Entry Requirements for Degreed Applicants:

Applicants under this category should possess:

  • A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a University or College acceptable to the UWI. Such applicants should possess at least a Lower Second Class honours degree; and,
  • At least two (2) years working experience, preferably in the aviation industry and are successful at an interview to be conducted by a panel comprising at least three (3) members approved by the Head, Department of Management Studies.

Entry Requirements for Non-Degreed Applicants:

Bearing in mind the fact that, currently, most persons in the industry in the Caribbean who hold middle management and supervisory positions are holders of either technical certificates and/or diplomas as opposed to degrees, per se, it is also proposed that entry to the programmes will be permitted to persons who:

  • Hold technical certificates/diplomas approved by the respective regional Airports Authorities and other regional regulatory Air Transportation Bodies;
  • Have at least five (5) years managerial experience in the aviation industry; and,
  • Are successful at an interview to be conducted by a selected panel comprising at least (3) members approved by the Head, Department of Management Studies.

Admission under this category shall not normally comprise more than twenty-five per cent (25%) of any given cohort.

In addition to the above requirements, preference will be given to persons nominated by the Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago and the other airports authorities in the English-speaking Caribbean.

Additional Requirements/Information:

  • Students will be required to do two (2) levels of any language which is offered by the Centre for Language Learning (CLL). This will not be for credit.
  • Students will be required to attend a Statistics Workshop at the beginning of the first semester of the programme.



So as to allow for the effective management of the programme, enrolment will be limited to at most 20 persons in any cohort.


Programme Content

This programme is to be delivered on a full-time basis over four semesters. The M.Sc. in Aviation Management is a 42-credit programme comprised as follows:

MGMT 6310  

Strategic Planning & Management

AVMT 6008  

Airline Operations Management



MGMT 6007  

Research Methodology

AVMT 6009  

Airport Operations and Management

AVMT 6017   Aviation Finance Management   
AVMT 6005  

Strategic Marketing Management in Aviation




AVMT 6010     Research Project   
AVMT 6011   Internship (Visit to Vaughn Aeronautical College)

Internship/Project Report

Students must complete an internship and submit a professional report pertaining thereto.


Programme Facilitation

In the delivery of the programme, facilitators will be drawn from the Department of Management Studies, and other departments in the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering (where appropriate), local industry experts who will function as adjunct faculty, and personnel from the John Molson School of Business, Concordia University (Canada) who will be contracted to conduct several of the specialist courses.


Delivery Mode

Courses offered by facilitators from overseas will be delivered in an intensive fashion over five to six days. In such cases, however, the relevant exams will be held at the end of the semester when University exams are scheduled. Where coursework projects are involved, these will be scheduled over the regular semester.

Further, whenever possible, courses offered by local facilitators will also be offered in an intensive fashion over five to six days. The Airports Authority recommends this, as fuller participation will be assured, bearing in mind the thin staffing levels on which most regional airports operate.