Postgraduate Programmes

Masters & Postgraduate Diploma Programmes

Given the increasingly complex nature of the business environment, it is clear that while a first degree is necessary and non-negotiable in the workplace today, a postgraduate degree is proving to be more useful. Students within these programmes are exposed to fairly rigorous training and are equipped to conduct business research and critical business analysis, as well as to think independently and use their initiative.

The Department currently offers four (4) Masters programmes: Management Studies, Aviation ManagementTourism Development & Management and Sports Management and three (3) Postgraduate Diplomas: Management StudiesTourism Development & Management and Sports Management.

N.B. All Postgraduate classes are held on evenings, during the week, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and/or on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

*Postgraduate Courses:

To view the postgraduate courses offered by the Department of Management Studies, please refer to the 2022/2023 Faculty of Social Sciences' Postgraduate Booklet.

All students, please refer to the Faculty booklet for your respective year of entry:


Ph.D. Business Administration

The Department of Management Studies also offers a Ph.D. in Business Administration. The curriculum is crafted with several specific objectives in mind, including providing graduates with an appreciation for the broad range of issues - economic, social, institutional, normative and political - that surround contemporary business administration.


Postgraduate Degree Programmes

Postgraduate Study:

M.Sc./PG. Dip. Management Studies

M.Sc. Aviation Management

M.Sc./PG. Dip. Tourism Development & Management

M.Sc./PG. Dip. Sports Management

Ph.D. Business Administration


*Postgraduate Courses:

To view the postgraduate courses offered by the Department of Management Studies, please refer to the 2022/2023 Faculty of Social Sciences' Postgraduate Booklet.

All students, please refer to the Faculty booklet for your respective year of entry: