Level: 1
Semester: 2
No. of credits: 3
Prerequisites: One CAPE Science Subject (Or Equivalent) In Either Biology, Geography or Environmental Science or an Approved Associate Degree in Science with A Minimum GPA of 2.50


Course Description 

This course gives an overview of human-environment interactions exploring causes, effects and solutions of human impacts using a broad temporal and spatial perspective. We consider the evolutionary and historical changes in human-environment interactions and the main drivers of change: population growth, technological and lifestyle changes. Regional variation in these drivers along with issues of economy, urbanisation and inequality will also be considered. The bulk of the course illustrates the complex and dynamic ecological interactions between humans and specific resources and components of the environment necessary for human wellbeing namely ecosystems and biodiversity, food, freshwater, clean air, materials and energy. The consequences of these interactions such as resource depletion, environmental degradation and global climate change will be highlighted. Future scenarios and management solutions will be explored. The delivery of course materials would involve a combination of lectures, practicals, tutorials, and web based materials. Assessments are designed to encourage students to work continuously with the course materials.



Coursework             50%
Final Examination   50%