This project aims to make information on some of the more notable animals freely available online, especially to school students. It can be viewed as the successor to previous efforts (Cooper and Bacon, 1983; Kenny, 1995, 2000, 2008) to bring the biodiversity of these islands to a broader local audience.

These species accounts were written by UWI undergraduate students as part of coursework for classes in the DLS. They are made freely available primarily for educational use and purposes. The accuracy of the information provided cannot be guaranteed, and any use of these accounts is made at the risk of the reader, although they have been edited from the version submitted for marking, and have been verified as 97% different from any existing materials identified by and within the extensive Turnitin reference depository. We thank Nancy Sheridan and Richard Thomas for pointing out errors in two accounts which have now been corrected, and a few other accounts have also been revised to include taxonomic or distribution updates. The sources of all mages used are specified, and the copyright of all images remains with the original source. The accounts are organized by common name for easy accessibility, including multiple entries under alternative names where useful.

Should you own or hold any creative right(s) to any image used and would like to contact The UWI for any reason relating to that image (including if you would like us to remove the image from this resource), please do not hesitate to do so. You may contact Dr Amy Deacon at or at 1(868) 662-2002 ext.83093

Click on an image to search for a group.

Last Updated 10 December 2024