Level: III
Semester: 1
No. of credits: 3
Prerequisites: ESST 2005

Course Description

Climate change and its effects are a major environmental concern today; this is particularly so for small island developing states in the Caribbean. This course will develop students’ understanding of the nature of climate change and the strategies that can be used to mitigate its effects. The course will have two main units; the first will discuss the issues surrounding climate change, primarily the science behind climate change; the mechanisms that underpin the greenhouse effect, energy balances, molecular energy absorption by greenhouse gases, the sources of these gases and the general global effects of the global warming and how this translates into climate change. The consequences of climate change will be discussed, as well as the continuing debate on whether or not global warming/climate change are happening at all, or being caused by rising carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere. The second unit will introduce the mechanisms that are in use to mitigate the potential hazards of climate change. This will include legislative and technical efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The course will cover international agreements like the Kyoto Protocol, local and regional legislation, technological solutions, like alternative energy sources and strategies to reduce the current climate change impacts being experienced by some nations. The delivery of course materials would involve a combination of lectures, practicals, tutorials, and web based materials. Assessments are designed to encourage students to work continuously with the course materials.



Coursework           50%
Final Examination 50%