Click on the logo for a short film about the event

On the 17th-18th November 2012 the first ever Trinidad & Tobago Bioblitz took place in Tucker Valley, Chaguaramas. The steep mountains, varied forests and the most accessible coral reefs in Trinidad made it an ideal location.


Map showing the survey area (within the red circle) and the basecamp (green house)

It was organised by Mike G. Rutherford jointly run by the UWI Zoology Museum and the Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists' Club (TTFNC). Help came from many other organisations including the University of the West Indies Dept. of Life Sciences, the Institute of Marine Affairs, the National Herbarium of T&T, the Chaguaramas Development Authority and the Trinidad and Tobago Orchid Society. Other groups involved included the Asa Wright Nature Centre, the Environmental Management Authority Youth Ambassadors, the Zoological Society of Trinidad and Tobago and the Ministry of Food Production, Land and Marine Affairs and CAB International.


Based at Macqueripe Bay the volunteers found a grand total of 685 species with many interesting sightings including a Robinson’s mouse opossum, a bushmaster snake, a new species of spider for Trinidad and a rare butterfly. Over 200 visitors joined in the fun, going on walks and viewing the displays.


The event was well reported in the national newspapers and on radio and television, click on the links below:

T&T Guardian

Trinidad Express before the Bioblitz

Trinidad Express after the Bioblitz

Asa Wright Nature Centre

Dr. Amy Deacon's Blog

UNEP-GEF Project YouTube Videos

 Issue 4/2012 of the TTFNC Quarterly Bulletin was dedicated to the Bioblitz. Click here.

 A poster about the event is available for download as a PDF. Click here.

Tucker Valley report cover_0.jpgThe Tucker Valley 2012 Bioblitz Final Report is available for download as a PDF. Click here.

Thanks to all the groups and individuals who took part and thanks to the sponsors.