
  • Maintain and expand the permanent museum collection of the fauna of Trinidad and Tobago and the surrounding region      
  • Provide an accurate animal identification service
  • Provide information and promote interest in the local fauna
  • Provide facilities for local, regional and international researchers
  • Develop projects with these researchers to further these objectives


At the museum we undertake a variety of activities to maintain and improve the collections and make them more accessible to staff, students and researchers:

  • Identification of animals
  • Field collecting trips
  • Specimen preservation         
  • Collection restoration and maintenance       
  • Databasing of the museum specimens
  • Research on the fauna of Trinidad and Tobago


The UWIZM is the main organiser of the annual Trinidad & Tobago Bioblitz. For more information see the Bioblitz page.


The museum provides a number of services to the university community, the general public, the governments and peoples of the region, and visitors to the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago.

  • Identification - Animal specimens either alive or dead or as photographs can be brought in to the museum to be identified to as accurate a level as possible
  • Educational Tours - Tours of the Zoology Museum can be booked for anytime from Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm .

Requests for services can be made in person at the museum or by contacting the curator or other staff members.   

For more information see Contact Us.

Last updated 11 July 2018

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