Campus Research Publications

Advancing Knowledge, Impacting Lives (2015)

Advancing Knowledge: Impacting Lives was commissioned by the Campus Principal, Professor Clement Sankat in commemoration of the 55th Anniversary of The UWI St. Augustine in 2015 and edited by Professor Patricia Mohammed, this publication highlights the original research work being undertaken by all Faculties of the St. Augustine Campus and profiles the pioneering work of those who have achieved the designation of Professor through their research. The text, which is the collaborative work of Deputy Deans of Graduate Studies and Research of each Faculty and Professors throughout the campus, highlights achievements up to the beginning of 2015 and outlines the impact that UWI research is making. No other regional tertiary level institution has contributed to the development of our society through research like The UWI has, with a focus on tropical agriculture, education, engineering, the sciences, law, medical sciences, history, literature, cultural arts and social sciences. In this regard, our University continues to contribute to the growth and development of our country and region through a deeper examination of our environment and the creation of new knowledge.

Other Publications

Decades of Research (2010)


Oasis of Ideas (Documentary film, 2010)



Eight short research impact films commissioned by the Office of the Campus Principal for 2015 and directed by Professor Patricia Mohammed and Michael Mooleedhar – the latter a graduate of the UWI Film Studies programme, showcase the impactful research projects and initiatives of The UWI Centres, Institutes and Faculties. Each research film allows the viewer to connect the researchers – the academics, research assistants, graduate students and technicians with various communities, and highlight some of the impact that this has generated. As the researchers invite us into their offices and laboratories we experience their passionate involvement in their subjects and what they have produced. These achievements signal that research and innovation are among the primary mechanisms through which the UWI generates change in this country, the region and globally. These films not only present the research of the UWI, St. Augustine as high quality and impacting, but seek to motivate our partners to support the UWI in their groundbreaking traditions of advancing knowledge and impacting lives.
View the films below:


Principal Clement Sankat establishes the foci of The UWI research agenda, showcasing the Repositories, Centres and Institutes that make the St Augustine campus a unique Caribbean institution. (8.57 mins)


Food & Agriculture

The research of the Faculty of Food and Agriculture generates technologies that assist the farming community and research that encompasses environmental and nutritional issues towards the food security of Caribbean nations. (9.47 mins)


Humanities & Education

Literary scholars, writers, historians, musicians, analysts of calypso and chutney, linguists and filmmakers demonstrate the direct impact that their research is daily contributing to the living culture of Trinidad, the region and globally. (12.56 mins)



Researchers at the Faculty of Engineering work across disciplines and closely with industry and the wider society not only for economic gains but to "win wealth from mother nature" that benefits the happiness of our populations. (8.58 mins)


Science & Technology

From harnessing solar energy to computer apps that aid farmers and crime interventions, to generating information on medicine, to monitoring the natural environment for disaster mitigation, the transformative and interdisciplinary potential of science is optimized by scholars in the Faculty of Science and Technology. (10.25 mins)


Social Sciences

Researchers in the Faculty of Social Sciences address the social problems raised by HIV aids, gender and sexual abuse, how they partner with communities to develop economic strategies and intervene in international relations to shape social policy and improve the social functioning of society. (9.37 mins)


Medical Sciences

Researchers from the five schools of the Faculty of Medical Sciences demonstrate the daily impact that their work on diabetes, infectious diseases, child health concerns, Alzheimer's disease , pharmacology and veterinary medicine makes towards the well-being of our populations. (10.01 mins)



Lawyers and jurists use law as an instrument to help shape viewpoints and intervene to protect populations through their research on the mentally disabled, and in areas of gender discrimination, human rights, oil and gas agreements and the environment, and constitutional and corporate law. (6.04 mins)