The Caribbean Anthurium Industry Development Workshop

23 – 26th September, 2006. Learning Resource Centre,
The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine

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Activities & Expected Outputs

Type of activity Description of the content of the activity

Prepare a status report on the Caribbean Anthurium Industry 1. Solicit information from participants through a structured questionnaire.
2. Paper to be presented at the workshop followed by a panel discussion

Prepare a business plan and validation 1. Solicit information to prepare a business plan for the industry for discussion at the workshop and validation.
2. Comparative analysis with other agricultural sectors and competitive advantage over the region.
3. To be presented at the workshop for discussion and validation.

Information sharing 1. Invite successful anthurium growing outfits in the region to present experiences and innovations
2. Invite researchers to present research findings and innovations
3. Invite limited number of foreign authorities

Development of a vision and a strategic plan 1. Identify a facilitator to guide the workshop through the process.
2. Develop a strategy for expansion of industry.
3. Develop a strategy of global competitiveness, reduce cost, increase premium
4. Identify R& D needs.
5. Develop a mechanism to implement the triple Helix model involving private sector, university and public sector.
6. Develop a strategy for a consolidated business model
7. Develop a strategy for market expansion through internal linkages and through organized export strategies
8. Develop strategy for education and training
9. Develop a strategy for sharing of intellectual property rights in the Caribbean region.
10. Develop an information sharing strategy
11. Development of strategy for fund raising to implement the strategic plan

Formation of a Anthurium Industry Development Committee 1. Election of a committee
2. Identify terms of reference for the committee
3. Constitution for the committee
4. Mechanism for functioning
5. Develop country working groups

1. Workshop sessions
a. R & D Needs to support industry
b. Strategy for expansion
c. Strategy to maintain global competitiveness
d. mechanism for the triple helix model of development
e. Caribbean approach to development, role of CARICOM
f. System to share intellectual property in the Caribbean
g. Information sharing system
h. Market expansion, freight etc
i. Consolidated business model
j. Education and training to support the industry
k. Terms of reference for the anthurium industry development committee.

1. Identify a lead person /for guidance paper and facilitation and notes taker.
2. Each group to come up with global status, challenges, solutions, what needs to be done.
3. Develop mechanism for funding projects.
4. Identify person to write project
5. Identify a mechanism for seeking funding.

Field trip to Kairi Cut-flowers and Exhibition 1. Display of new varieties, tour of facility with commentary on pros and cons and proposed way forward.

Proceedings committee to compile the proceedings and follow-up actions 1. Set up committees for follow-up action and identify time lines.
2. Provide guidelines for each committee.


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