The Caribbean Anthurium Industry Development Workshop

23 – 26th September, 2006. Learning Resource Centre,
The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine

Workshop Home | Activities & Expected Outputs | Event Highlights | Sponsors
Who Should Participate | Cost of Participation | Workshop Agenda | Contact Us

Event Highlights

  1. 1. Key subject specialists present global and regional research highlights during the past decade and its impact on the industry.
  2. 2. Caribbean anthurium grows share production technologies
  3. 3. Stakeholders develop a shared vision and strategic plan for the industry and establish a regional anthurium industry development committee to oversee the implementation of the strategic plan.
  4. 4. Stakeholder arrive at a consensus position with respect to an R & D agenda, business model, IP sharing system and an information sharing system for the anthurium industry.
  5. 5. Field trip and exhibition at Kairi Cut-flowers Ltd. provide participants a glimpse into the innovations and a forum for discussion.

Who should participate?

All stakeholders involved in the anthurium industry or the ornamental industry are welcome to participate. This will include growers, retailers, exporters, importers, hoteliers, R&D specialists, IPR specialists, horticulturists, extension workers, marketing specialists, graduate students, nursery owners, micropropagation facilities etc.

However, if you are interested in participating, please fill in the pre-registration form and email it to us to the following email address. The pre-registration form and the cost of participation are available on the home page.


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