The Powerful Synergy of Emotional Intelligence and Teamwork



As we continue our journey, post COVID-19, the need for emotional intelligence has become increasingly important as we re-establish ourselves into workplace and society at large. By enhancing this powerful skill, individuals will be able to better manage their emotions, which in turn leads to better decision-making, communicating and minimizing conflict in the workplace and a healthy working environment. Therefore, exercising greater emotional intelligence provides the right inputs for positive team dynamics.

In this 4-day seminar, participants will explore and apply the concept of Emotional Intelligence in the workplace and will be exposed to the importance of self-awareness and relationship management for building effective teams.


Learning Objectives

At the end of the seminar, participants will:

  • Understand the meaning Emotional Intelligence
  • Learn techniques to apply Emotional Intelligence in the workplace
  • Understand the different emotions and how to manage them to foster positive team interactions
  • Possess the ability to validate emotions in their teammates


Practical Key Takeaways

Upon completion of this workshop participants will be able to:

  • Describe Emotional Intelligence
  • Identify emotional triggers and the effects of emotions that are not managed on group interactions
  • Techniques to adopt a mindful approach in the workplace to cultivate positive team dynamics
  • Clearly recognize the emotions of others



  • History of Emotional Intelligence
  • Emotional Intelligence Defined
  • The Emotional Intelligence Blueprint
  • Optimism vs Pessimism
  • Validating Emotions in Others
  • Understanding Emotions
  • Workshop Wrap-Up


The Facilitator

picture.pngMrs. Shian Ottley-Reid, Industrial and Organisational Psychologist

Mrs. Shian Ottley-Reid is the Chief Executive Officer of a leading consulting company with over 15 years of experience working to influence change within organizations. She has worked with both the private and public sectors dealing with various human capital challenges. Shian also has been involved with the development of the Caribbean Version of our Step One Survey assessment and continues a fair amount of research and validation activities in the psychometric assessment field. Her passion, professional focus, and expertise are in the areas of executive coaching, team building and communication, leadership development, strategic planning and visioning, critical thinking, and problem-solving.







Pricing Information

Workshop Fee: TT$2,800/US$400

  • Discount: Get a 10% group discount. Applicable to: 
    • Groups of three or more individuals attending from the same organization
    • The UWI campus community

Online payment option (bank charges of 3% applies).


When and Where

The workshop will be hosted by the Business Development Unit of the Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of the West Indies. It will utilize interactive pedagogy strategies to promote an engaging learning experience. You will be able to join this workshop via Zoom to participate in discussions, interactive presentations, group exercises, resource videos, and valuable articles and case examples. The workshop will follow the schedule below:

Dates: 14th, 16th, 21st & 23rd March, 2023
Time: 9.30 AM – 12.00 PM AST

Live Lecture via Zoom.

Don't hesitate to contact Dalaiah at, or visit for registration details or complete the registration form using the following link:

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