Data Analytics Seminar

Demystifying Data Analytics: Let the Numbers Guide the Way

This seminar is specifically focused on giving practitioners the data Analytics tools to tackle common problems and opportunities in areas such as marketing, finance, and logistics.

It will expose the fundamental principles in data Analytics and provide the basic skills to use big data to solve real-world business problems. Participants will learn how to extract information and knowledge from a large body of data and utilize various predictive models and visualization tools to wrangle, analyze, and visualize data.

This 4-day seminar is ideal for all business executives who either work with data or wish to acquire knowledge in data analytics to make more profitable decisions.


Master The Code of MS Excel

Microsoft Excel On-Demand Series


  • Six Modules
  • Enroll in one or All
  • Certification of Completion
  • Only $250 per Module



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WIN with MS Word

Microsoft Word On- Demand Series

  • 6 Modules
  • Enroll in one or All
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Only $250 per Module




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Become Data-Driven Using R

Data Analysis On-Demand


  • 6 Modules
  • Enroll in one or All
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Only $250 per Module



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Evolve, Empower and Encourage Innovative Decisions with Data Science 

This seminar will empower managers and decision-makers to adopt optimal business solutions and pay attention to the issues that matter. Practitioners will be able to use data science to tackle common problems and opportunities in marketing, finance, and logistics.

Participants will learn how to extract information and knowledge from a large body of data and utilize various predictive models and visualization tools to wrangle, analyze, and visualize data.




Contact Us

The Business Development Unit
Faculty of Social Sciences
The University of the West Indies 
St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Phone (868) 662-2002 Ext. 83850; Ext. 83870

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