Charlotteville Bioblitz 2015
Click on the logo for a short film about the event
On the 24th-25th October 2015, the fourth T&T Bioblitz took place in Charlotteville, Tobago. Lying on the northeastern tip of the island, this small village is teeming with wildlife occupying the land, sea and sky.
Map showing the survey area (within the red circle) and the basecamp (green house)
The event was led by Mike G. Rutherford and was a collaboration between the UWI Zoology Museum (UWIZM) and the Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists' Club (TTFNC) and ERIC. The volunteers for the event came from many places including staff and students from the University of the West Indies Dept. of Life Sciences, John Murphy and friends from the Field Museum, members of the T&T Serpentarium, members of the Trinidad & Tobago Eco Divers Club (TTEDC) and many other nature enthusiasts. Funding for the event came from First Citizens and Atlantic.
The basecamp at the Environmental Research Institute Charlotteville (ERIC) allowed the 120 volunteers and experts easy access to the seas and the forests. The teams surveyed Charlotteville, Pigeon Peak, Man O' War Bay, St. Giles Islands and Flagstaff Hill.This resulted in them finding a breathtaking 1,044 species! These included endemic frogs, dolphins, a seahorse, a new bat species for Tobago and the recently discovered odd-legged millipede.
The event was reported on in the national media and on-line, click on the links below: