Two (2) Invitations for guests are issued to each graduand and these are available when collecting your regalia.
Your guests must walk with these invitations when attending.
Persons without an invitation in hand will be denied entry to the Ceremony.
As we continue to prepare for your Graduation ceremony, it has been brought to our attention that invitations for our 2023 Graduation ceremonies are being bought and sold by graduands, and possibly by the guests of graduands.  
All graduands, and the public, are advised that this practice is not permitted and anyone attempting to attend a ceremony with invitations that were purchased will not be allowed entry.
Valid graduation invitations are those which are distributed to each graduand, at the gown distribution exercise, from the Office of the Campus Registrar, Examinations Section. 
Requests for additional invitations can be made in-person at the forthcoming graduation rehearsal, however these requests are dealt with on a first come first served basis and extra invitations are extremely limited for certain ceremonies. Only one (1) additional invitation will be made available per graduand.
The graduation rehearsal is scheduled for Monday October 23, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at The UWI Sport and Physical Education Centre (UWI SPEC). You are encouraged to check the official graduation website for updates. 
We understand that your graduation is a momentous occasion that you would like to share with your friends and loved ones, however we ask that you respect the guidelines that have been outlined above. Each graduation ceremony will be livestreamed for the benefit of those who cannot join us in person.  
 If you have any further queries about your graduation ceremony, please feel free to reach out via
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