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Message from the Director, Graduate Studies and Research

Prof Duraisamy Saravanakumar, Principal Investigator.jpg

It gives me an immense pleasure and honour to welcome you to the School for Graduate Studies and Research of The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus.  Graduate Studies and Research has been playing a pivotal role in fostering research through critical thinking and innovation in the region.

Our campus has demonstrated research excellence by producing globally competent and recognized researchers in diverse academic disciplines. The research contributions of the St. Augustine Campus in food and agriculture, environment, medicine, engineering, science and technology, human resource development and education, creative arts and development of social policies and practices have been remarkable and contributed significantly to place the University at the top spot in the Caribbean and it has been globally recognized in the top 1.5% Universities. Read more


The School For Graduate Studies and Research is supported by the Office for Graduate Studies and Research (Office of the Campus Registrar) to administer a range of graduate studies matters, but importantly to perform a support and developmental role in the expansion of both graduate education and research. The School administers grant funding for staff and students and graduate scholarships.

Visit The Graduate Studies and Research Centre

Research Funding

The purpose of the Research and Publications Fund is to provide financial assistance for members of staff and graduate students to enable them to:
  • pursue their research adequately and
  • communicate and publish the results of their research

The Fund is used to assist as many members of staff and students as much as possible to carry out research without undue personal hardship or without putting an excessive burden on the budgets of the Departments.

Academic members of staff (please see link for the Call for Applications for Staff )

Graduate students pursuing M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees and are entering Year II of their research degree (please see link for the Call for Applications for Students)

Click here for further information.


Campus Ethics Research Committee

The Campus Research Ethics Committee has been relocated to the School for Graduate Studies and Research. The application process for approval is paperless. To fill out an application, click here.

Research Entities

Advancing our research capacity and output in areas of critical importance to the Caribbean and to the international community, is a major priority at The UWI St. Augustine Campus.
The mandate and vision of the School for Graduate Studies and Research is to develop the quality and relevance of graduate education and research at The University of the West Indies and to establish The UWI as the internationally recognized research leader in selected focal areas  that  are particularly relevant to developing countries in tropical areas globally.



A selected history of the research of The UWI St. Augustine Campus is contained in a series of books and films produced between 2010 and 2015 entitled: Decades of Research (2010); Oasis of Ideas (Documentary film, 2010); Advancing Knowledge, Impacting Lives (2015) and a series of associated films by the same name. The latter films show both a sample overview of key campus research projects during this time, and the Institutes, Departments, Faculties and Individuals researchers who are driving these initiatives. Click here for these and other research related media about The UWI St. Augustine Campus.



To identify and develop revenue generating opportunities for Funding the Enterprise through Research Development and Knowledge Transfer.

We achieve this by:

  • Creating and strengthening the culture of grantsmanship
  • Commercialization
  • Recognizing and leveraging IP potential
  • Consulting activities

