Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES)


The Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) was established in August 1999 as a result of a merger of the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER), established in 1948, and the Consortium Graduate School of Social Sciences (CGSSS), established in 1985. It has been named after Sir Arthur Lewis, Nobel Laureate in Economics and the first Vice Chancellor of the University of the West Indies.


The SALISES has branches on the three campuses of the University of the West Indies:

  • Cave Hill, Barbados
  • Mona, Jamaica
  • St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

A Director heads each branch. One of the Directors is appointed as University Director, responsible for the overall functioning of SALISES. The current University Director is Professor Don Marshall and is based at Cave Hill.

The Institute has published an extensive list of monographs and books over the years. In addition, three journals are produced by the Institute: Social and Economic Studies (Mona); Caribbean Dialogue (St. Augustine), and the Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies (Cave Hill).

Areas of Study

The M.Phil/Ph.D degree programme at the St. Augustine Campus is research-oriented with supervision in the areas of Social Policy, Governance and Economic Development Policy. 

The SALISES St. Augustine branch also offers a taught M.Sc. degree in Development Statistics (Online).

The Institute hosts a series of seminars and fora.

Annually a SALISES conference is held in either Barbados, Jamaica or Trinidad &Tobago.


The staff of the Institute consists of active researchers in the social sciences who have published in regional and international periodicals and have been policy advisors and consultants to several organizations in the Caribbean region. Distinguished adjunct Institute staff with considerable policy experience are involved in the delivery of the Institute's degree programmes and in the provision of consulting and professional education services to the wider communities.

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