Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES)

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January 21, 2022

International Migration, Emerging Sub-Populations and Human Rights in Trinidad and Tobago: Maximizing the Benefits and Minimizing Threats to National Development

Ms. Leigh Ann Waldropt-BonairPrivate Consultant

Ms. Maria Jose Flor Agreda, Doctoral Student in Sociology at Cornell University/Graduate, MSc. Development Statistics, SALISES, The UWI, St. Augustine

Ms. Amanda Solano, Protection Officer, UNHCR Head Office, Trinidad and Tobago

Ms. Giselle Chance, Co-Founder/CEO, Vision on Mission

Ms. Leela Ramdeen, Chairperson, Archdiocesan Ministry for Migrants and Refugees

Dr. Michele Reis, Private Consultant


February 18, 2022

Hosting and Managing the Experience in Trinidad and Tobago in 2022 and Beyond

Dr. Jo-anne Tull, Lecturer, Carnival Studies, Department of Creative and Festival Arts, The UWI, St. Augustine

Dr. Keith Nurse, Principal, CEO, The Sir Arthur Lewis Community College, St. Lucia

Mr. Derrick Lewis, Managing Director, EventologyTT

Dr. Franka des Vignes, Subregional Advisor, Disease Surveillance and Epodemiology, PAHO/WHO Subregional Programme Coordination, Caribbean

Dr. Kela Francis, Assistant Professor, The Academy for Arts, Culture and PA, The University of Trinidad and Tobago

Dr. Keron Niles, Lecturer, Institute of International Relations, The UWI, St. Augustine


March 25, 2022

National Statistics, Best Practices and the Establishment of the National Statistical Institute of Trinidad and Tobago (NSITT): Imperatives for Securing National Development

Professor Sir Ian Diamond, National Statistician, Government Statistical Service, United Kingdom

Dr. Abdullahi Abdulkadri, Coordinator Statistics and Social Development Unit ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean

Mr. Lance Busby, Retired Statistician, the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

Dr. Godfrey St. Bernard, Acting Director, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies

Gabriel Gamez, Inter-regional Adviser, Organization and Management of National Statistical Systems, United Nations Statistics Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Mr. Desmond Perry, Statistician, Tobago House of Assembly

Dr. Wesley Yung, Director, International Cooperation and Methodology Innovation Center, Statistics Canada


April 29, 2022

Strengthening National Statistics for Sustainable Development through Gendered Lenses 

Dr. Leith Dunn, Honorary Research Fellow, Institute for Gender and Development Studies (IGDS), Mona Unit, The University of the West Indies, Mona

Dr. Philomen Harrison, Project Director, Regional Statistics, CARICOM

Ms. Isiuwa Iyahen, Deputy Representative, UN Women Multi-Country Office (MCO) - Caribbean

Dr. Asha Kambon, Consultant, Assessor and Trainer in the macro socio economic assessment of disasters and the identification of the needs for recovery

Dr. Theresa Rajack-Talley, Vice Provost, Equity and Inclusion, Full Professor, Pan-African Studies, Graduate Faculty, Sociology & Anthropology, Dalhousie University

Dr. Peter Weller, Consultant Community and Clinical Psychologist


May 20, 2022

Post-Covid Recovery and Economic Imperatives for Growth and Sustainable Development in Trinidad and Tobago

Mr. Michael John, Part-time Lecturer, Department of Economics, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine

Ms. Alicia Nicholls, Junior Researcher Fellow, Shridath Ramphal Centre for International Trade Law, Policy and Services, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill

Dr. Lester Henry, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine

Dr. Vanus James, Former Senior Policy Advisor, UNDP and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) International Consultant

Dr. Dave Seerattan, Senior Lecturer - Coordinator – MSc Global Studies Programme, Institute of International Relations, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine

Dr. Michelle Salandy, Consultant


July 29, 2022

Counteracting the Scourge of Violence Against Women in Caribbean Societies - Towards Remedial Action in Response to Theory and Evidence-Informed Studies

Dr. Halimah DeShong, Senior Lecturer, Institute for Gender and Development Studies, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill

Dr. Henriette Jansen, Retired Technical Advisor, Violence against Women (VAW) Research and Data, UNFPA Asia and the Pacific Regional Office (APRO), Bangkok

Ms. Carol Watson- Williams, Principal Consultant, reThink Social Development Ltd

Dr. Ruth Rodney, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, Faculty of Health, York University

Dr. Godfrey St. Bernard, Acting Director, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies, The UWI, St. Augustine

Mrs. Claire Guy-Alleyne, Woman Superintendent (Ag.), Special Victims Department, Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS)




September 29, 2022

Gun-Related Violence and Criminal Homicide in Caribbean Societies: Data Driven Insights and Expert Reflections Towards Ameliorative Action

Dr. Herbert Gayle, Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Psychology and Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of the West Indies, Mona

Professor Charles Katz, Director, Centre for Violence Prevention and Community Safety, Arizona State University, USA

Dr. Ericka Adams, Associate Professor, Department of Justice Studies, San Jose State University, USA

Dr. Godfrey St. Bernard, Acting Director, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies, The UWI, St. Augustine 

Dr. Wayne Pitts, Research Criminologist, RTI International, USA

Dr. Wendell Wallace, Lecturer and Deputy Dean - Distance Education and Outreach, Faculty of Social Sciences, The UWI, St. Augustine

Dr. Elizabeth Ward, Chair, Violence Prevention Alliance - Jamaica, The UWI, Mona 


October 14, 2022

Advancing Institutional and People Centred National Development Options in Trinidad and Tobago: Responses to the 2023 National Budget Statement 

Dr. Indira Rampersad, Senior Fellow, SALISES, The UWI, St. Augustine

Dr. Robert Stewart, Fellow, SALISES, The UWI, St. Augustine

Dr. Jennifer Rouse, Former Director, Division of Aging, Ministry of Social Development and Family Services

Dr. Henry Charles, Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Behavioural Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, The UWI, St. Augustine

Dr. Daren Conrad, Lecturer, Department of Economics, The UWI, St. Augustine

Dr. Alvin Thompson, Senior Research and Policy Consultant, Office of the Chief Secretary, Tobago House of Assembly

Dr. Tyehimba Salandy, Lecturer, Department of Behavioural Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, The UWI, St. Augustine


November 25, 2022

Agenda Items for the Promotion of Food Security in Caribbean SIDS Sustainable Development Imperative

Dr. Patricia Northover, Senior Research Fellow, SALISES, The UWI, Mona Campus, Jamaica

Mr. Vassel Stewart, President, Caribbean Agribusiness Association (CABA), Trinidad and Tobago

Mr. Steve Maximay, Managing Director, Science Based Initiative, Grenada

Ms. Charmaine Metivier, Researcher, Health Economics Unit, The UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad

Ms. Abigail Caleb, Senior Technical Officer, Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), Trinidad and Tobago


December 9, 2022 

Development Finance for a Low-Carbon Caribbean Future: Issues and Solutions

Dr. Emily J. Brearley, Economic Consultant & Founder, Solution42.ORG Nairobi, Kenya

Dr. Kirk Douglas, Director, Centre for Biosecurity Studies, The UWI, Cave Hill, Barbados

Dr. Don Charles, Economic Consultant

Dr. Preeya Mohan, Senior Fellow, SALISES, The UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad

Dr. Robert Stewart, Fellow, SALISES, The UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad

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