Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering is concerned with the design, manufacture, testing, operation and maintenance of various types of machinery and industrial plants and often includes the executive management of industries. Its successful practice requires the application of mathematics, physics, chemistry and economics to a variety of machines and work areas. Mechanical engineers are employed mainly in manufacturing and service industries and are also engaged in independent research, design and development in the areas mentioned above.
Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Biosystems
Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Biosystems is concerned with the solution of engineering problems affecting agriculture in the production of food and feed for our present and future needs and involves the design, development and maintenance of farm machinery for tillage, planting, cultivation, harvesting and handling of crops; drainage; irrigation, erosion control and land and water management; and the storage and processing of food and feed with the adaptation and development of new technology and energy sources.
Agricultural Engineers utilise basic engineering fundamentals and a knowledge of agriculture in their solutions to the problems of agricultural production and processes.
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering is concerned with the identification, analysis and synthesis of the various components (men, machines, materials, management and money) that are necessary for the design, construction and operation of organisations that produce goods or services. Thus, it is centred around the design and control of plants and production systems, and as such, needs a knowledge and understanding of materials, manufacturing processes, automatic control and instrumentation, and all aspects of production management. In addition, expertise in the areas of economics, marketing, industrial relations and law, and psychology is necessary.
Industrial Engineers therefore provide management with the necessary inputs for rational management decisions, and to control these inputs to ensure objectives are met. Industrial Engineers find employment in all fields of engineering, and often in fields which are not traditionally considered to be engineering.