Second Place Winner

Veron Ramkissoon


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Some Information About Mr. Ramkissoon

My name is Veron Ramkissoon and I am a first-year student pursuing a BSC. In Computer Science. I attended Hillview college and it was there that I realized that I was very interested in Computer science and coding. You may think that I have no life and code all day to be able to figure out a problem like this, but I was able to attempt and complete the challenge because I have genuinely enjoyed my experience with coding over the past 4 years and wish to continue learning more at UWI.


Solution Strategy

The problem given was fairly simple to a point. However, when I first submitted my answer, it was incorrect. I could not figure out where to go from changing the bits to characters, so I thought it was finished. Then we got a message saying that the message would be clear if we got it correct so after many tests, I noticed the “#” being used many times in between characters. I checked the number of the hashtag on the ASCII table and knew if you add or subtract numbers from it, I could maybe get the message. I used the number 3 and subtracted it from all the characters because I thought the “#” was a space character. That was when I saw the true message being output into my text file.

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