Faculty News

Trinidad and Tobago National Health Research Agenda


The NHRA represents a significant step forward in shaping the direction of research for health in our country. Developed through collaborative efforts and extensive consultations, the NHRA outlines key research priorities that can generate the evidence needed to inform decision-making related to Trinidad and Tobago’s strategic health priorities

Take a moment to review the Agenda and use the priority area to drive impactful research to benefit our communities and advance health in T&T.

As a valued member of our evidence ecosystem, researchers are crucial in driving meaningful change through the implementation of the NHRA.

Click on the image or use the attachment to access the NHRA document and please share with your networks.

COVID-19 VACCINES: Addressing Hesitancy and Uptake Addressing Uptake in Trinidad and Tobago (April 2021)

Click here for more info


Review of the Current Status of COVID-19 Vaccines (December 2020)

Click here for more info


Closure of the Medical Sciences Library (May 4th- May 23rd)

Medical Sciences Library Closure


Does SARS CoV-2 immunity protect against re-infection

Prof Christine Carrington, Professor of Molecular Genetics & Virology and Head, Department of PreClinical Sciences provides an update for the Ministry of Health at the National Media Conference on COVID-19


Professor Christine Carrington, Head, Department of Pre-Clinical Sciences on TTT discussing COVID-19

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The Impact Of COVID-19 on Health Systems

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Health System was a symposium held on Sunday, May 3rd, 2020.  A multidisciplinary panel of 12 presenters addressed a range of topics highlighting the challenges the pandemic placed on our health systems.  The proceedings are available for  viewing  here.

Impact of COvid on health Systems.jpg



Professor Terence Seemungal Dean Faculty of Medical Sciences, on CNC3 discussing COVID-19 after the FMS-CCHSRD Symposium

Hema Ramkissoon spoke UWI's Dean at the Faculty of Medical Sciences Professor Terence Seemungal on the Morning Brew


Navigating the Returm to Dental Practice: A New Normal?

The School of Dentistry hosted an engaging symposium on Sunday June 14th, 2020,  to address navigating the return to dental practice. The feature speakers came from the both the St Augustine and Cave Hill campuses and from the United Kingdom. 


COVID-19 Effects on Population Health in the Post-Lockdown Era

On Sunday June 21st, 2020, the  Faculty of Medical Sciences and The Caribbean Centre for Health Systems Research and Development (CCHSRD) hosted their 2nd virtual symposium on look at the post-lockdown era.
Six presenters covered areas of mental health, geopolitical shifts, future zoonoses, NCDs, the second wave and a students perspective on the “new normal”.
The full proceedings are available here.



Enhancing National Health Standards in Aquaculture Systems (ENHSAS)-Increasing Aquaculture Productivity 

The School of Veterinary Medicine, in partnership with the UNDP GEF-SGP, has been engaged in a One Health based Aquatic Animal Health project entitled Enhancing National Health Standards in Aquaculture Systems (ENHSAS)-Increasing Aquaculture Productivity, Improving Industry Sustainability and Reducing Deleterious Aquatic Habitat Impacts.

Below are five short public education videos, outputs of the project, that inform the public on Aquatic One Health issues in the Aquaculture sector.
The videos promote the UWI-SVM at large, the Aquatic Animal Health programme at the UWI-SVM and they highlight our collaboration with various government entities
Please feel share widely.


ENHSAS- Proper Disposal of Wastewater


ENHSAS- Proper Disposal of Fish


ENHSAS- Invasive Species


ENHSAS- Best Practices in Aquaculture


ENHSAS- Antimicrobial Resistance


Enrol Your Dog as a Blood Donor for the School of Veterinary Medicine's Blood Bank 

Click here for more info


Message From the Dean FMS - Changes at the Faculty of Medical Sciences due to COVID-19 (March 26th)

Click here to view the Dean's Message
