Research is fundamental to understanding the factors that influence the public’s health.  We engage the population to collect data which will provide the necessary scientific evidence to inform policy and the development of necessary intervention and prevention strategies.  It is only through the contribution of the public, in research studies, that we are able to gain improvements in the health and the well-being of all.

On this page, you can access the active online surveys being conducted by our researchers at the Faculty of Medical Sciences and their collaborators.  All surveys listed here have received approval by the UWI St Augustine Campus Ethics Committee.

When selecting a survey, please ensure that you are part of the target group for that study.  You will then be taken to the site that hosts the survey, for you to participate.  Your contribution is valued and integral to the work of the Faculty of Medical Sciences.

Thanks you for taking the time to participate!


The Impact of COVID-19 Control Measures on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Risk Factors and Metabolic Health: A Comparison of 3 Caribbean Countries  

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