The Medical Sciences Library (MSL) of The UWI St Augustine Campus was founded in 1989. The MSL, supports the Faculty of Medical Sciences by providing efficient and timely access to competitive, relevant and accurate information to its clients while contributing proactively to the faculty’s teaching and learning enterprise.

The Library’s Mission is realized through the development and leveraging of technology and staff expertise in the selection, acquisition, processing, preservation and dissemination of multi-faceted physical and virtual information resources and in the provision of excellent access, reference, research and instructional services.

Services include:

•             Reference and Research support

•             Training on electronic resources and databases

•             Book Loans

•             Document Delivery

•             Interlibrary Loans

•             Photocopying, Printing and Scanning


The Library provides access to a collection of over 38,000 items which include books, journals and multimedia items. This collection is supplemented by access to 49 health research databases such as Biomed Central, Medline, Up-To-date, Micromedex Healthcare series and a wide range of health science e-journals and e-books.

Special facilities at the MSL include:

•             Seminar rooms

•             Post-graduate study room

•             Multi-Purpose Lab

•             Student Computer Lab

•             24/7 Reading Room.


Click here to visit the Medical Sciences Library website