Prof Hari_0.JPGWelcome Students

Planetary Health is defined as “the health of human civilization and the natural systems on which it depends”. The recent pandemic has taught us that human health (and well-being) is heavily dependent upon the health of all other living organisms and non-living systems. This is an extension of the ‘One-Health’ paradigm, where human health is interdependent on animal and environmental health.

The Faculty of Medical Sciences at St. Augustine is well placed to support this paradigm because it comprises the School of Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, and Nursing. The need of the hour is that all healthcare professionals must work together as a team for the betterment of all living beings contributing to the ecosystem of this planet.

In this era of high technology pervading every aspect of our lives, the Faculty of Medical Sciences has embarked upon its goal of imparting training with the right blend of state-of-the-art technology alongside the humanities aspect of healthcare, which includes ethical conduct and professionalism. The Faculty of Medical Sciences has highly experienced staff members as well as resources to shape every student into a fine professional in their field.

We extend a warm welcome to the Faculty of Medical Sciences and wish you all the very best for attaining your professional education from the foremost University in the English-speaking Caribbean.


Professor Hariharan Seetharaman
