Centre for Medical Sciences Education (CMSE)


Since the inception of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FMS) in 1989, the Centre for Medical Sciences Education (CMSE) has been a physical and conceptual centre for harnessing and maximizing the efficient and effective use of available educational resources. The centre harmoniously weaves together our teaching, learning, technological, and educational research resources in the FMS. Its mission is to provide academic, professional and technical resources for the continuous improvement in curriculum planning; delivery of medical education programmes, and the assessment of medical education for all the five schools including Optometry programme of the FMS (Medicine; Dentistry; Veterinary Science; Pharmacy; and Nursing).


  • Using state-of-the-art technologies to support teaching, learning, assessment and research
  • Promoting an ethos of academic excellence by organizing faculty development programmes on curriculum planning & development; problem-based learning (PBL), and assessments in medical education
  • Identifying teaching-resource material: audio-visual and computer software, in collaboration with the FMS Library and Information Technology Unit
  • Cultivating academic proficiency among students through continued lectures/seminars on salient topics: developing good study habits, test taking skills and stress management
  • Providing expertise for both internal and external quality assurance, quality audit and accreditation activities
  • Coordinating and monitoring Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
  • Running of MCQ/EMQ cards for all examinations in the faculty and generating result sheet
  • Designing computer-based and online examinations
  • Creating and delivering online courses
  • Preparing the Student Evaluation report of Clinical Lecturers
  • Providing technical and professional services in printing, photocopying, videography, photography, medical Illustration and graphic design
  • Providing technical amenities including binding, laminating, and guillotine services Publishing in-house reports; PBL booklets, information brochures; teaching modules and manuals
  • Generating revenue through our multi-media publications
  • Conducting research in medical education, medical humanities and professionalism
  • Collaborating with the Dean’s Office in conference planning, and other educational programmes
  • Consulting on education and research for external agencies


Work order form CMSE.PNG 

Download the CMSE Work Order Form at: Work Order Form

STAFF LISTING                                                                               ext.



Dr Bidyadhar Sa, Head (Measurement & Evaluation)


Dr Pradeep Kumar Sahu (Curriculum Development)


Administrative, Technical and Support


Ms Lindy Plaza, Secretary, CMSE (Email Lindy.Plaza@sta.uwi.edu )


Mrs Siobhan Bedeau, Clerical Assistant


Mr Marlon Sampson, Audio Visual Technician                                   


Mr Michael Khan, Graphic Artist                                                          


Mr Neil Joseph, Technical Assistant                                                       


Mr Dexter Superville, Photographer


Mr Jonathan Henry, Laboratory Assistant


Mr Julio Rampersad, Office Attendant


Mrs Shairoon Ghany-Ramcharan, Hospitality service


Assessment Unit


Ms Heather Woodroffe, Administrative Assistant


Ms Rae-Anne Lloyd, Clerical Assistant


Ms Taruna Seebaransingh, Clerical Assistant



Mailing Address

Centre for Medical Sciences Education
Faculty of Medical Sciences
The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine
Trinidad & Tobago
West Indies
Tel/ext: (868) 645-3232 Ext 5210
Fax: (868) 663-9836