Target audience
- Persons with working experience (e.g., public, private, NGO’s…) who desire career advancement
- Employees at public service, local government, and other public organizations who desire promotion or upward mobility
- Persons who wish to pursue careers in public organizations
- Persons with O’ level requirements only who desire fast-tracking matriculation into any undergraduate programme
- Persons who may not qualify for matriculation into their respective degree programme
Entry Requirements
- Practical experience or other qualification of special relevance
- Five CSEC subjects, including English Language and Mathematics
- Five years’ experience of civil service work or other relevant experience.
What are the career prospects for students pursuing this programme(s)
- Persons in the public sector can move from the clerical stream to the administrative support stream
- For upward mobility and career growth in all sectors
- Persons in the private sector and NGO’s can gain opportunities for career advancement (e.g., HR, administration, customer service)
Interesting accomplishments by CPA Alumni
- Fast track into their degree programmes (political science, public sector management with law and social sciences, international relations, law, psychology, management)
- Holders of scholarships, bursaries, awards and academic prizes
- Career advancement – HR, administration, national security, local government, private, public, NGO’s
- Senior appointments in the public service – entrance level to leadership positions in administration