Written Testimonials from Past Students


Anjali Ramkissoon.

I completed a BSc. Physics with minors in Bioengineering, Medical Physics and Electronics in 2019. This degree specialization has scored me a job in the clinical world as a Cardiovascular Technologist (training). I assist Cardiologists in the diagnosis, treatment and management of Cardiovascular diseases and arrhythmias daily. My degree specialization has set every foundation needed to function in such a role by enabling my understanding of electrical and bioengineering concepts which we use for each procedure. Pursuing this degree opened doors which I did not know could open. Working on the technical side of medicine relating to the heart is something that does not seem reachable, but it certainly is and I am grateful for not only undertaking the degree but for the staff who make up the department. Apart from their effective teaching, their guidance propelled me to where I am now. Their knowledge and direction contributed not only to my professional development, but to my personal development and I am eternally happy with where I am and the endless possibilities that can come a Physics undergraduate’s way.


Arione Rojas

I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Technology in 2018. Since then my education has carried me places in my life that I would have never imagined. I am currently a Biomedical Technician at the North Central Regional Health  Authority, working at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex.  If I look back at my 18 year old self in 2015, I could say that the UWI took that sheltered girl and made a self assured young woman through a well rounded education and a vibrant community.


Moesha Emberru

Hello fellow graduates and students, I am a recent graduate from the University of the West Indies St. Augustine. I completed BSc. in Physics and Minor in Medical Physics and Bioengineering from the Faculty of Science and Technology. After completing my Bachelors, I was accepted to McMaster University in Canada where I am currently pursuing a MSc in Medical Physics. While I would not be where I am today if not for the qualifications gained at the end of my studies in UWI, what I learnt over my three-year stay gave me a solid foundation for my master’s and checking back notes over the last year has gotten through a few assignments. I would also like to add that the entire UWI experience, working in groups, extracurricular activities, foundation courses etc., also played a major role in getting me to where I am today. These things helped me indirectly in my transition to what first felt like a whole other world. Wish all the best and good luck everyone!


Valmickey Motilal

Good day, I am a graduate of the University of the West Indies with a Bachelor of Science in Physics with a minor in Environmental Physics with electives in Material Science and Agricultural Science between 2013-2017. I am currently a Field Assessor, Valuation Division, Ministry of Finance. I was also awarded the PCS Nitrogen Price for the best year II performance in Material Science 2015-2016. My degree had given me a better understanding of my current work and its related duties and responsibilities. Firstly, being awarded this prize had given me a substantial edge and highly impressed interviewers when I applied for my current position. In the initial stages of training my prior knowledge of bearings which included Azimuths and Altazimuths from Astronomy courses within the Physics Degree proved to be incredibly helpful in being able to place my training into perspective.

Subsequently, I was placed in the first batch of individuals to successfully complete the said training. Based on this, application of knowledge gained from my Bachelor and training done by Ministry was easily conveyed into my work structure and ethics. As a result, with only an average of 1 year working experience with this Division, I, along with 1 other employee have been identified to train and pass on our gained expertise to higher ranking employees in my Division. Therefore, my Degree and my Prize has not only pushed me in the right direction but also jumpstarted my career and contributed to many more unforeseen accomplishments thus far. Thank you for patronizing in this short testimonial and best of luck to everyone.