Semester: 2
Credits: 3
Course Type: Core
Mode of Delvery: Online

Course Description

Radiation oncology is the major part of a Medical Physicists’ education. Medical physicists are thus expected to have knowledge of carcinogenesis and radiation therapy to contribute to the effectiveness of radiation treatment procedures and techniques. They also contribute to development of therapeutic techniques, to the design of treatment plans, and the monitoring of equipment and procedures used within the medical environment. This module will update students on the establishment of adequate protocols to ensure accurate patient dosimetry, and the advancement of the procedures necessary to ensure the quality of the radiotherapy and the development of quality assurance programs. This course will focus on radiation therapy. The various types of radiation for tumor treatment and energy deposition by ionizing radiation in organs and tissues will be studied. Differences in response to radiation between tumors and normal tissues/organs will be analysed. Principles and methods of modern and advanced radiation therapy will also be addressed


Course Content

Overview of clinical radiation oncology and medical physicist activity: Historical introduction; Overview of cancer treatment modalities (surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy); Professionals and Workflow of a Radiotherapy Department; Role of a clinical medical physicist; IAEA Code of Ethics for Medical Physicists in the clinical environment. Quality Assurance Systems in Radiotherapy: International Guidelines for implementation. Radiobiological basis and dose accuracy in radiation therapy: Radiation dose-response curves and the therapeutic ratio; Steepness of the dose-effect curves and accuracy requirement of dose delivery; Sources of uncertainty from prescription to delivery of the treatment. Treatment Planning Optimisation: Tumour Control/Normal Tissue Complication Models for non-uniform irradiation; Dose-volume constrained planning; Histogram reduction methods; Biological optimization.


Course Aims

To  provide students with the essential knowledge of the physics of radiation oncology. The module aims to build students’ essential knowledge and understanding of the physics and radiobiology applied in radiotherapy. The different equipment used in radiotherapy, and the role of imaging in the radiotherapy process will also be covered. An in-depth understanding of the therapeutic applications of ionizing radiation, charged particle and neutron beams.


Course Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course, the graduates will be able to:

  1. Determine the factors which are needed  for using external beam radiotherapy
  2. Design a workflow chart of a Radiotherapy Department
  3. Outline the principles of Quality Management in a Radiotherapy Department
  4. Demonstrate understanding of the principles of professional ethics for medical physicists in the clinical environment
  5. Perform treatment planning in radiation therapy,
  6. Calculate doses for tumour and normal tissues/organs
  7.  Determine the possible side effects after radiotherapy, and
  8. Estimate the probability of cure and of secondary cancer
  9. Outline the criteria which determine the accuracy requirements in radiotherapy
  10. Estimate dose uncertainty due to various sources in treatment planning and delivery
  11. Demonstrate understanding of models of dose effects, influence of time, dose fractionation and treatment interruption
  12. Explain the functioning, characteristics, strengths and limitations of the various types of available treatment devices: kV therapy devices, cobalt units and medical linacs.



Coursework                               100%