Level: III
Semester: 2
No. of Credits: 3
Prerequisites: PHYS 1110 and PHYS 1111 or any nine (9) credits from: PHYS 1211, PHYS 1212, PHYS 1213, PHYS 1214, PHYS 1215 and PHYS 1216 or PHYS 1221, PHYS 1222, PHYS 1223 and PHYS 1224


Course Description

Electronic Instruments: voltmeters e.g. VTVM Transistor voltmeter, multimeter, use of cathode-ray oscilloscope for the measurement of voltage, current phase and frequency, special purpose oscilloscopes, measurement of resistance, inductance, capacitance, using Kelvin’s, Maxwell’s and Schering bridge, measurement of effective resistance at high frequency, R meter, LCR meter. Signal generators, function generator, wave analyzer, harmonic distortion analyzer, spectrum analyzer, spectrum analysis. Transducers: operation of strain gauge, electromechanical transducer e.g. Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT), thermocouple, piezo- electric crystal, photoelectric transducers, light detecting resistor (LDR), SQUID, thermistors. Digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital conversion techniques. Data Acquisition System for patient monitoring: recording equipment: types e.g. graphic, strip chart, magnetic tape, digital tape and requirements. Safety issues: Macro and micro current shock, special design from safety consideration, safety standards, testing, ensuring protection of equipment and personnel.



Coursework                                                   40%
Final Examination (One 2-hr paper)           60%