Course Code and Title: RENT 6000 – Research Project

Semester and Level: Semester I

Pre -requisites: Completed all taught courses.

Credits: 9

Eligibility: Enrolled in MSc Renewable Energy Technology Programme

Mode of Delivery: Blended

  1.  Course Description

The research project allows the student to pursue an individual study on a particular research topic or issue of interest to the student and will incorporate technical skills training specific to the individual student. Students will come to the Course Leader during the first semester of the MSc with potential ideas for their research project. A list of potential projects will be also be made available for those students who do not have a specific topic in mind. During the first two semesters, the student and course leader will meet, at least twice, to further develop the research project idea, develop clear aims and objectives, and identify appropriate second supervisors. The research project may cover any feasible aspect of renewable energy technology. It may involve a pure research study toward a fundamental aspect of renewable energy technology or address more applied issues. It may involve field or laboratory based work or may be a desk study involving data analysis or interrogation of documents. It may underpin studies being undertaken by staff within UWI or it may address an issue related to a student's employer. For students from outside of Trinidad, the project may be undertaken within Trinidad or in the student's home country. The project should, however, give the student a chance to further develop skills from the toolbox and a more detailed understanding of some component of the taught courses.


  1.  Course Evaluation: 100% coursework
  • Research Proposal                    20%
  • Research project report            60%
  • Oral Presentation                      20%
  1. Rationale

A Research Project is a fundamental component of the MSc programme. The research project provides students with an opportunity to develop a specific set of practical and reporting skills that will be of use to the student’s future career.

  1.  Course Aims

The aim of the research project is to allow the student to develop a scientific solution to a problem in renewable energy technology and articulate several aspects of the taught programme within a single themed research topic.

  1.  Course Learning Outcomes

            On completion of this course, the graduates will be able to:

  1. Collect appropriate scientific information and literature.
  2. Analyse scientific information and literature critically.
  3. Apply research methods to collect appropriate data.
  4. Analyse scientific data using relevant statistical and/or numerical techniques.
  5. Investigate a problem relevant to an aspect of renewable energy technology.
  6. Apply effective self-/time management skills in the main components of a research project.
  7. Write a scientific project proposal and project report that adhere to standards of scientific writing.
  8. Present the project to an audience using relevant technologies.
  9. Defend the methods of the project and the results.
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