
DAY ONE: 20th June 2012


Feature Presenter

Feature Address - Professor Richard Auty

Session 1: The Theories Associated with Hydrocarbon Revenue Management

Professor Paul Stevens – Theories Associated with Hydrocarbon Rich Economies

Dr Alvin Hilaire, Angela Henry and Kishandath Ramlogan – Dutch Disease in Trinidad and Tobago: Then and Now

Dr Hunter Monroe – Macroeconomic Management in Resource-Rich Economies: The Case of Trinidad and Tobago + Addition


Feature Presenter : Mrs Valerie Mercer – Blackman - Tax Regimes in hydrocarbon –rich countries: How does Trinidad and Tobago Compare  

Session 2: Economics of Hydrocarbon Revenue Management

Mr. Justin Ram – Resource Revenues and Optimal Expenditure

Dr. Thackwray Driver – The Impact of Transport Fuel Subsidies in T&T

Mr. Michael John – Petroleum Resource Revenue Collection in T&T: Oil vs. Gas


PANEL DISCUSSION 1: The Historical context of the Petroleum industry in Trinidad and Tobago - LRC Auditorium


DAY 2: 21st June 2012

Session 3: Regulatory Regime in Hydrocarbon Based Economies

Dr Anne Marie Mohammed – Regulating the Oil and Gas Industry in Trinidad and Tobago

Ms. Laurent Wing –The CEC process and the Oil and Gas Industry

Dr. Wayne Bertrand and Mr. Allan Russell - Fiscal Regime Changes For Maximizing Hydrocarbon Recovery during Fields Life Cycle

Ms. Heidi Wong – Designing a Fiscal Regime- A Trinidad and Tobago Perspective


Feature Presenter: Governor Ewart Williams - Review of the  HSF

Session 4:  Hydrocarbon Fiscal Regime

Mr. John Downer – Hydrocarbon Fiscal Regime

Mr. Carlton Thomas and Mr. Arden Rodriguez – Competitiveness of T&T’s Fiscal Regime

Dr. Zaffar Khan and Mr. Rene Marcellin - Strategic Recommendations for T&T’s Local Content Policy: Improving the National Bottom Line

Professor Karl Theodore – Revenue Management and Economic Transformation


Session 5: Transparency and Accountability

Mrs. Indira Sagewan-Alli – Transparency, Strong Institutions and Economic Competitiveness

Ms. Shakira Mustapha  – Oil and Gas, People and Government : Trinidad and Tobago’s Experience

Mr. Matthew Genasci – Revenue Watch Institute - Revenue Transparency in Extractive Economies: Innovations and Assessment Tools

Mr. Mark Regis – The role of the TTIETI in Enhancing Transparency and Accountability in Hydrocarbon Revenue Management in Trinidad and Tobago  


PANEL DISCUSSION 2: Frontiers of Development, the Hydrocarbon Industry in Trinidad and Tobago 

DAY 3: 22nd June 2012

Session 6: Macroeconomic Challenges

Ms. Cassandra Rattan and Dr. Lester Henry Seeking the Holy Grail: Challenges to Diversification in a Small Hydrocarbon Based Economy – The case of T&T

Professor Patrick Watson – Natural Resource Curse and the socio-economic dilemma in T&T

Mr. Joseph Cotton – The Buoyancy and Elasticity of Non-oil Tax Revenues in T&T

Prof. Surendra Arjoon and  Mrs. Shanta Ramkissoon Cruickshank – Ethical Consideration in the Trading of Energy Products


Session 7: Environmental and Socio Political Challenges

Mr. Steven Greenleaf – Environmental Goals and Economic Goals

Dr. Justin Ram – Oil and Natural Gas Depletion in Trinidad and Tobago

Dr. Ronald Marshall and Ms. Nirmala Sookhoo– The question of the search for Hydrocarbon and the changing Social Structure

Ms. Malini Maharaj and Mr. Goopiechand Boodhan – The role of Economic Instruments in Environmental Management


Session 8: The Imperative of Economic Diversification

Mr. Peter Mitchell  – Localized Economic Development Plans

Mr. Damie Sinanan and Mr. Khari Benjamin – The role of the Government in the Economic Diversification of T&T

Ms. Preeya Mohan - Caribbean Export Diversification along its Development Path

Mr. David Abdullah and Ms. Rosa Mae Whittier – Diversifying the T&T Economy  - Options for the Development of Alternative Sectors