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Alissa Trotz

AlissaAlissa Trotz is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Equity Studies (OISE) and Women and Gender Studies at the University of Toronto. She is also Director of the undergraduate Caribbean Studies Program in New College ( Her research and teaching interests are in the areas of intersectionality and social inequalities, migratory circuits and diasporic practices, gender, race and nationalism in the Caribbean, feminism and transnationality. She is associate editor of Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and its Diaspora. She is currently co-editing a special issue of Race and Class with Aaron Kamugisha, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the British slave trade, as well as a collection on the Transcultural Caribbean with Holger Henke and Karl-Heinz Magister (Lexington Books, Caribbean Series). Alissa also works with Red Thread Women's Development Organization in Guyana (National Co-ordinator, The Global Strike).

Selected publications:

Gender, Ethnicity and Place: Women and Identities in Guyana, London: Routledg. with Linda Peake. 1999

Rethinking Caribbean transnational connections: Conceptual itineraries, Global Networks, 6 (1) 2006

Between despair and hope: Towards an analysis of women and violence in contemporary Guyana, Small Axe: A Journal of Criticism 15:1-25. 2004

The Caribbean family?, in The Gender Companion, Audrey Kobayashi, Philomena Essed & David Theo Goldberg (eds.), London: Blackwell, pp. 370-380. 2004

Behind the banner of culture? Gender, race, and the family in Guyana, New West Indian Guide/Nieuwe West Indische Gids 77 (1&2): 5-29. 2003