Kuírlombo Epistemologies CRGS Special Issue on Genders and Sexualities in Brazil
Editors: Tanya L. Saunders, Mariana Meriqui Rodrigues, Jessica Ipólito, Simone Brandão Souza, Jess Oliveira, Bruna Barros
December 2020 | Flyer
i–iv Contents
v–viii Contributors
1–42 Introduction to the CRGS Special Issue Genders and Sexualities in Brazil Tanya L. Saunders, Jessica Ipólito, Mariana Meriqui Rodrigues, Simone Brandão Souza
by Jessica Ipólito and Tanya L. Saunders
Peer Reviewed Essays
43–52 Black Sapatão Translation Practices:
Healing Ourselves a Word Choice at a Time Jess Oliveira, Bruna Barros
–72 Towards a Transnational Black Feminist
Theory of The Political Life of Marielle Franco S. Tay Glover and Flavia Meireles
–96 Lesbian Resistances: Social
Representations of Afro-descendent
Lesbian Women in Cuba Norma Rita Guillard Limonta
Translation from Spanish by Tito Mitjans Alayón
–110 Existence Narratives and the Small
Everyday Deaths: Notes of a Black
Sapatão in Santa Catarina Aline Dias dos Santos
Translated from Brazilian Portuguese by Jess Oliveira
111–126 Ocupação Sapatão in Salvador:
A Decolonial Counter-Narrative on the
Geographic Urban Space and its
Restrictions of the Right to the City Aline P. do Nascimento and Sheyla dos S. Trindade
Translated from Brazilian Portuguese by Ayala Tude and Alanne Maria
127–138 Lesbocide in the Brazilian Context Suane Felippe Soares
Translated from Brazilian Portuguese by Bruna Barros and Jess Oliveira
139–152 Main Questions from Brazilian Family
Physicians on Lesbians and Bisexual
Women’s Healthcare Renata Carneiro Vieira and Rita Helena Borret
Translated from Brazilian Portuguese by Bruna Barros and Jess Oliveira
–168 The Siriricando Block and the Lesbians
and Bisexual Women at São Paulo’s
Carnival Barbara Falcão and Milena Fonseca Fontes
Translated from Brazilian Portuguese by Caroline Santos, Cintia Rodrigues and Marina Pandeló
–180 The Colonisation of Non-feminine
Lesbian Experiences as a Mechanism
for Controlling Bodies and Compulsory
Reproduction of Masculinity Dayana Brunetto and Léo Ribas
Translation from Brazilian Portuguese
by Alanne Maria de Jesus and Ayala Tude
–190 Deborah Learned How to Play Sword
with the “Cabras”: Lesbianess and
Artivism in the Guerreiro, a Brazilian
Popular Culture’s Manifestation Ribamar José de Oliveira Junior and Lore Fortes
Translated from Brazilian Portuguese by Bruna Barros and Jess Oliveira
Gender Dialogues
–210 afro latina formiga aka formigão
–232 literary cuírlombism: black lgbtqi poetry
exorbitating the paradigm of pain tatiana nascimento
233–246 ani ganzala: Watercolour and Graffiti Artist ani ganzala
247–256 Biographies